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Meeting on Documents Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

December 05, 2023

Meeting Information
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building.

Notice of Meeting


  • Mr. Neal’s Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 yeas to 24 nays (with a quorum being present).
  • Mr. Smith of Nebraska’s motion to table Mr. Doggett’s motion to recess was agreed to by a roll call vote of 24 yeas to 16 nays (with a quorum being present).
  • Mr. Schweikert’s motion to enter into closed executive session was agreed to by a roll call vote of 24 yeas to 16 nays (with a quorum being present).
  • Mr. Schweikert’s motion to enter into closed executive session was agreed to by a roll call vote of 24 yeas to 17 nays (with a quorum being present).
  • Mr. Schweikert’s motion to submit materials to the United States House of Representatives documents protected under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103 was agreed to by a roll call vote of 40 yeas to 0 nays (with a quorum being present).


Testimony of Gary Shapley 

Testimony of Joseph Ziegler 

Joseph Ziegler’s Affidavit 6:

Hearing Transcript

Markup Transcript