According to a Quinnipiac University poll released July 1, Americans by a margin of 2:1 said a government takeover of health care would be a “bad thing.” The results are not surprising given what has happened when foreign governments took over their countries’ health care systems. A brief scan of news headlines show the danger middle-class Americans face if the Democrats enact their health “reform” bill like those in Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia: rationing of care, skyrocketing costs and long waits for both basic health needs and life saving procedures.
Great Britain:
Children being failed by health system, says head of watchdog
Disabled children wait up to two years for wheelchairs
Pensioner, 76, forced to pull out own teeth after 12 NHS dentists refuse to treat her
Women in labour turned away by maternity units
Life-saving cancer drugs ‘kept from NHS patients by red tape’
Wait Times for Surgery, Medical Treatments at All-Time High
Ontario Physician Turns Away Patient for Being 55+
New Zealand:
On the Waiting List Roller Coaster
Get Ready for Medical Rationing
Public patients wait longer for surgery
Operating theatres shut to save cash as thousands wait for surgery