Today, the White House released a report on Medicare noting that “some” seniors would save money if the “doughnut hole” was closed. But “some” isn’t “all,” and it’s not “most.” What the White House isn’t telling seniors is that under the House Democrat health care bill, the vast majority of Medicare beneficiaries will pay higher Part B (doctor visits) and Part D (prescription drug coverage) premiums. According to CBO, the Democrat’s health bill (HR 3200) would cause Part B premiums to increase by $25 billion and Part D premiums to jump 20 percent.
“America’s seniors deserve to know the truth about health care reform and the truth is most will pay dramatically more for the same coverage and benefits if this bill is enacted,” said Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI).
For a detailed explanation of which seniors will pay more and why, please click here.