Washington, DC –Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today issued the following statement on Massachusetts voters’ referendum on the Democrats’ government takeover of health care in the historic election of Republican Scott Brown in one of the most liberal states in the nation:
“Tonight’s election further echoed the loud opposition of the American people to the Democrats’ trillion dollar government takeover of the United States’ health care system. It is time for Democrats in Washington to listen to the American people and scrap this health care bill that does nothing to lower the rising costs of health care premiums, slashes Medicare by one-half trillion and spends money we don’t have. I hope the Democrats will take this as a lesson on partisan politics, and work with Republicans who have offered a bill that actually lowers health care premiums.”
NOTE: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the House Republican bill would lower premiums in the individual market up to 8 percent, the small group markets by up to 10 percent, and the large group market by up to 3 percent . According to estimates from the CBO, under the House Republican Bill, the Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act, health insurance premiums would be up to 21% lower and $3,000 less expensive than either the House or Senate Democrats’ bill https://waysandmeans.house.gov/?replace=news&p=157486.