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Boustany Floor Statement on H.Res. 1127, Resolution on the Austin IRS Office Attack

March 03, 2010

Madam Speaker,

Like all of my colleagues here in the House of Representatives, I was shocked and horrified by the tragedy that occurred at the IRS office in Austin, Texas, on February 18th. I especially want to offer my condolences to the family of Vernon Hunter, who lost his life in this senseless attack.  Mr. Hunter dedicated his life to serving his country, including 20 years in the U.S. Army and two tours in Vietnam. I stand with my colleagues today to honor his service and his memory.

We also should recognize the courage and heroism of those men and women – including IRS employees, first responders, and others – who responded to the attack to ensure that our country did not suffer even greater losses.   
I would like to associate myself with the words of President Obama. To the employees of the IRS, he said, and I quote:

I am thankful for your dedication, courage and professionalism as we rebuild in Austin. And as you continue your work, we will do what is needed to ensure your safety. We are grateful for your service to this country. May God bless you and the United States of America.

