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Camp Statement on 75th Anniversary of Social Security

August 13, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement marking tomorrow’s 75th anniversary of Social Security:

“Since being signed into law 75 years ago, Social Security has provided important income protection for workers and their families as a result of retirement, disability or death.  Workers paying payroll taxes on their hard-earned wages have made these essential benefits possible. 
“Social Security has had a profound impact on our families and our nation.  Yet, as we were reminded by the program’s trustees last week, Social Security faces financial challenges that must be addressed soon. 
“We should honor Social Security’s history of achievement by securing its future for our children and our grandchildren.  As we do so, we must protect benefits for seniors, near retirees, and those who rely on Social Security most.  We simply cannot allow inaction to deprive future generations of protections that Social Security provides so many today.”
