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Camp, Levin Request All IRS Documents

May 14, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) sent a letter to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Acting Commissioner Steve Miller requesting information on the targeting of organizations by the IRS.

The Ways and Means Committee has led a nearly two-year investigation related to concerns that IRS was targeting individuals and organizations based on their political beliefs.  The Committee will hold a hearing this Friday, May 17th at 9 AM exploring this issue.

Chairman Camp: “I am astounded and appalled that the IRS targeted organizations based on their political beliefs.  No American, regardless of political affiliation, should have their right to free speech threatened by the IRS.  The IRS’s repeated failure to be truthful is completely unethical and an embarrassment to this government.  The fact that top level officials in the IRS were aware of this behavior and did nothing to address it is absolutely unacceptable and raises serious questions about the competence of those running this agency.  The IRS must be accountable to taxpayers and Congress and that begins with providing an explanation for these egregious and unlawful practices.”

Ranking Member Levin: “The American people must have the fullest confidence that organizations requesting tax exemption receive completely unbiased treatment from the Internal Revenue Service and are never singled out by name or political views. They must also be assured that the IRS will be nothing less than completely forthcoming in the information it provides to Congress.  The nation deserves a complete understanding of this matter.  Chairman Camp and I have agreed it is essential that there be a thorough and bipartisan investigation and effective remedial action.”

In the letter, Chairman Camp and Ranking Member Levin requested the IRS provide all documents by May 21, 2013.  Read the full letter here
