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Camp, Levin Send Letter to President to Address Trade and Investment Issues at the U.S. India Strategic Dialogue

June 20, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI), Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) and Ways and Means Committee Members wrote to President Obama urging the Administration to address several pressing trade and investment issues at the upcoming U.S.- India Strategic Dialogue (SD). 

In the letter, the Members write, “[W]e have seen a disturbing trend in which India is turning inward and erecting barriers to trade and investment – directly and negatively affecting the ability of U.S. manufacturers, farmers, and ranchers to sell to, enter, and operate in India and access 1.2 billion new customers.  India is at a crossroads to determine whether it will continue market liberalizing policies that have led to its strong growth and rapid rise over the past twenty years or turn back the clock.  As a result, this year’s meetings provide a particularly timely opportunity to encourage India to pursue market-based policies and reforms instead of erecting barriers that hurt U.S. exporters, investors, and workers as well as its own citizens.

“We urge the Administration to focus its efforts at this year’s SD on deepening and expanding the long-term trade and investment relationship by addressing urgent systemic bilateral market access issues.”

The full letter can be read here.
