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Committee Submits Comments on Proposed 501(c)(4) Rules, Camp Requests Extension of Comment Period

February 27, 2014

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Republican Committee Members submitted comments to Treasury Secretary Lew and Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Koskinen on the proposed 501(c)(4) rule.

In the letter, the Members explained their strong opposition to the notice of proposed rulemaking and why it should be abandoned, noting that  “1) it has been put forward based on a demonstrably false premise, 2) its construction will restrict the free speech of citizens and the groups with which they associate, and 3) it is premature in light of ongoing investigations.”

Additionally, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp wrote to Secretary Lew requesting, in the interest of fairness, that the public comment period be extended due to the record number of comments received.  To date, Treasury has received over 100,000 comments on the proposed rule.
