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MEDIA ADVISORY: Brady to Speak on U.S. Economic Freedom at The Heritage Foundation

January 29, 2016

Washington, D.C. – On Monday, February 1st at 1:00 PM, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) will be the keynote speaker at The Heritage Foundation’s launch of the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom. His remarks will focus on how the Ways and Means Committee is working to help increase our economic freedom and deliver opportunity to all Americans.

What: Chairman Brady gives keynote address at The Heritage Foundation’s release of the 2016 Index of Economic Freedom

When: Monday, February 1st from 1:00 PM to 1:20 PM

Where: The Heritage Foundation Allison Auditorium – 214 Massachusetts Ave, NE

Click here to RSVP or to watch the event online.