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Passed in the House: W&M Bills to Improve Health Care, Strengthen Families

June 21, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statements after the House of Representatives passed four bipartisan bills to improve access to health care and promote proven local solutions to strengthen families.

After the House passed the Small Business Health Care Relief Act (H.R. 5447), sponsored by Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany (R-LA), and the Native American Health Savings Improvement Act (H.R. 5452), sponsored by Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI), — both of which will strengthen consumer-drive health care options — Chairman Brady said:

“Our Committee is dedicated to identifying and advancing commonsense, Member-driven solutions that improve health care through regular order. Chairman Boustany and Congressman Moolenaar’s bills are excellent examples of what Congress is doing to empower Americans with control over their health care choices, unleashing the powers of choice and competition to lower costs and improve quality.”

The House also passed two bipartisan bills to promote proven welfare solutions – the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2016 (H.R. 5456), sponsored in the House by Human Resources Subcommittee Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL), and the Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act (H.R. 5170), sponsored by Rep. Todd Young (R-IN). Chairman Brady remarked:

“These bills continue our bipartisan – and bicameral – effort to focus our limited resources on evidence-based solutions that deliver real results and improve lives. Together, Chairman Buchanan and Congressman Young are helping to redefine success – paying for what works to improve outcomes for children and their parents.”

The Ways and Means Committee voted to pass H.R. 5447, H.R. 5452, and H.R. 5456 at a full Committee markup last week. The Committee voted to pass H.R. 5170 at an earlier markup.

  • The Small Business Health Care Relief Act (H.R. 5447) allows employers to continue to provide innovative employer payment arrangements to help their workers and families.
  • The Native Americans Health Savings Improvement Act (H.R. 5452) improves access to Health Savings Accounts for those who receive services at Indian Health Service facilities.
  • The Family First Prevention Services Act of 2016 (H.R. 5456) strengthens families by promoting evidence-based prevention services to keep children out of foster care and reduces inappropriate group home placements.
  • The Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act (H.R. 5170) supports innovative and effective social programs that deliver real results. It also provides for a one-year extension of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, whose authorization expires at the end of FY 2016.