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ICYMI – Chairman Brady Talks a #BetterWay on C-SPAN

July 11, 2016

On Sunday, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” to discuss the House Republican “A Better Way” agenda and what the Ways and Means Committee is doing to deliver results for the American people.

CLICK HERE or below to watch Chairman Brady’s interview.



On “A Better Way for Tax Reform”:

What we’re doing is going all in for growth on jobs and opportunity, because we can’t settle for this second rate economy. So, we take less from local businesses so they can grow. We redesign how we tax so we leapfrog from dead last in the world to one of the leading packs of best countries for pro-growth tax codes.

“We are telling America, ‘This is not our tax code, this is yours. You ought to have a real say in how you are taxed.’ We are not imposing it, we are proposing it to the American public. Tell us if you want more jobs and a stronger economy – and if this is a good way to do it. Tell us if you want a code so simple and fair it could fit on a postcard. Tell us if you want to stop fearing the IRS. … We will be listening.”

On the Treasury Department’s Proposed Section 385 Regulations:

“In their haste to build a wall to keep U.S. companies from leaving, they built a wall that keeps foreign dollars – and U.S. dollars – from flowing back into our local communities. … My worry is – and it’s a bipartisan worry – that they rush into this rule that has huge economic consequences at home. They miss the target and don’t really solve it and in fact make us less competitive, which means you have missed the mark in every way.” 

On Why Trade is Essential to a Strong American Economy:

“I want it to be clear that Republicans will continue to be a champion for expanding the economic freedom to trade. It is at the heart of our free enterprise system. The freedom to buy and sell and compete anywhere in the world, with as little government interference as possible, grows our economy in a major way. Creates opportunities, raises wages here at a home, lowers costs of goods so families’ paychecks can go farther. It works for America. … It is not enough to simply buy American, we need to sell American all throughout the world. We want it manufactured and produced here. Then, we want to level that playing field so we can sell all around the world and turn one-way trade into America into two-way trade.”

On our Investigation into the Obama Administration’s Illegal Use of Taxpayer Dollars:

“It’s bigger than health care. It is the issue of, can any White House ignore the Constitution and simply spend money for a program they want where Congress has repeatedly and specifically said ‘zero funding, don’t do that.’ The court clearly agreed with us here. The White House went ahead – knowingly – spent $7 billion to date illegally, funneling money to insurance companies – in my view – to hide fatal flaws in the Affordable Care Act.”