WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House voted 261 to 147 to pass H.R. 3590, the Halt Tax Increases on the Middle Class and Seniors Act. This legislation, authored by Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ), would protect seniors and middle class Americans from another Obamacare tax hike by repealing a provision of the law that makes it harder to deduct high-cost medical expenses.
As Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said in support of the bill:
“Before Obamacare, Americans could find some relief in their ability to deduct high-cost, out-of-pocket medical expenses on their taxes.
“But, this important source of relief is about to get further out of reach for seniors thanks to Obamacare.
“For Americans under 65, a provision of the Affordable Care Act has already raised the previous 7.5 percent income threshold up to 10 percent. Starting January 1 – just three months from now – the provision will go into effect for America’s seniors as well.
“This Obamacare provision is a tax hike, plain and simple. It makes paying for care even more difficult for individuals, families, and seniors who may already be struggling to afford the care they need.
“Mr. Speaker, this law gets more unaffordable and burdensome every day. And it’s the middle class and seniors who are being hurt most.
“With the ‘Halt Tax Increases on the Middle Class and Seniors Act,’ we can repeal this provision and stop another painful Obamacare tax hike in its tracks.
“I am grateful for Representative McSally’s leadership on this important, bipartisan legislation.
“This targeted Obamacare repeal is another example of how House Republicans are delivering the patient-focused solutions Americans deserve. Most importantly, this repeal takes meaningful steps to make health care more affordable and accessible for the American people.”
CLICK HERE to watch Chairman Brady’s full remarks.