WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) released the following statements after Ways and Means Committee Members met with United States Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
“Members of our Committee understand that our economy will not grow stronger if we simply buy American products at home – we must also sell American products in new markets overseas. We met today with Ambassador Froman to talk about the path forward for the TPP agreement. During our conversation, we told Ambassador Froman that we want to find a path forward. However, the White House must quickly address existing concerns of Members who serve both on and off our Committee. Without these substantive changes, the House will not have the votes to approve TPP, and American workers will continue to lose customers to other countries. The clock is ticking, and the White House must act soon,” said Chairman Brady. “I look forward to working with Ambassador Froman and all Members of our Committee as we continue to work on trade agreements that promote American products and American workers.”
“Today’s meeting with Ambassador Froman gave Members the opportunity to discuss how high-quality trade agreements empower our exporters to compete on the world stage and give farmers, workers, and businesses in our districts new opportunities,” said Chairman Reichert. “But Members also raised substantive concerns over the outstanding issues in the Trans-Pacific Partnership that have not been fully addressed by the Administration. We will continue to have these conversations, because the timeline for TPP depends on the Administration’s willingness to address these issues and provide a path forward. If America is to continue to be a leader in the global economy, then we must find a path forward.”