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Brady, Johnson Applaud Law Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries

February 28, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) today praised President Trump for signing into law a resolution (H.J. Res. 40) that ends an Obama-era regulation that discriminates against certain Social Security beneficiaries who need help managing their benefits.

As Chairman Brady said:

“By signing this resolution into law, President Trump took another important step toward reversing years of harmful executive overreach under the Obama Administration. The American Civil Liberties Union, the National Alliance for Mental Illness, the National Rifle Association, and dozens of other groups have come out in strong support for this law because it prevents the Social Security Administration from denying certain law-abiding Americans their 2nd Amendment rights without due process. SSA should not be the arbiters of constitutional rights; it should be fulfilling its mission to serve all beneficiaries. I’m grateful for Chairman Johnson’s and Rep. Abraham’s leadership on this issue and I look forward to our continued efforts to hold the SSA accountable.” 

Chairman Johnson said:

“Today is a good day for the Social Security beneficiaries whose Constitutional rights were threatened by the Obama Administration’s discriminatory regulation. By signing my resolution into law, President Trump helped ensure that Social Security beneficiaries’ rights to bear arms and due process under the law are protected and preserved. As I’ve said before, just because someone has a disability does not mean they’re a threat to society, and needing help to manage your benefits does not make you dangerous. Social Security needs to focus on its job—making sure Americans receive the benefits they’ve earned—and today’s action by President Trump lets them do just that.”

CLICK HERE to read about the broad, bipartisan support for H.J. Res. 40, including statements from the American Civil Liberties Union and Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Rights Task Force.