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Tiberi Announces New Initiative to Reduce Medicare Regulations and Mandates, Improve Seniors’ Health Care

July 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) announced a new initiative to deliver relief from the regulations and mandates that impede innovation, drive up costs, and ultimately stand in the way of delivering better care for Medicare beneficiaries. Working with doctors, nurses, clinicians, and other health care professionals, the Committee will identify opportunities to reduce legislative and regulatory burdens on Medicare providers, improving the efficiency and quality of the Medicare program for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Upon announcing the initiative, known as the “Medicare Red Tape Relief Project,” Chairman Tiberi said:

“The Medicare Red Tape Relief Project will help members of our committee work hand-in-hand with doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals to identify areas where we can eliminate red tape and burdensome mandates that are driving up costs in the Medicare program. We will listen to feedback from providers, learn more about the challenges they face, and work to deliver the regulatory relief they need to put patients, not paperwork, first. As the Chairman of the Health Subcommittee, I encourage all stakeholders to participate and I look forward to advancing additional bipartisan solutions that strengthen Medicare for our nation’s seniors.”

Applauding the new initiative, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said:

“As the size of our senior population and the Medicare program continue to grow, so does the pile of burdensome and unnecessary paperwork that Washington imposes on our nation’s health care professionals. Today, our Committee, led by Chairman Tiberi, is taking steps to roll back the mandates and regulations that have piled up over time and prevented providers from their top priority: helping patients. I look forward to hearing directly from stakeholders so we can deliver solutions that make the most meaningful difference for our providers and the Medicare beneficiaries they serve.”

The Initiative will have three stages:

  1. Request feedback from stakeholders to learn more about the policies that improve health care – and the policies that stand in the way;
  2. Host roundtables with stakeholders across the country to continue the conversations and identify solutions; and
  3. Take Congressional action based on feedback from stakeholders.

As the first step, the Committee is seeking feedback on the following:

  1. How Congress can deliver statutory relief from the mandates established in law through our legislative authority.
  2. How Congress can work with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, M.D., and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma to deliver regulatory relief through Administrative action.

Please submit feedback using the form below to by August 25th.

CLICK HERE to download the Medicare Red Tape Relief Project submission form.