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31 Reasons for Tax Reform: August 1

August 01, 2017

It has been 31 years since the last major overhaul of America’s tax code. So, throughout the 31 days of August, we’re highlighting 31 ways that today’s broken tax code hurts American families, Main Street job creators, and our economy. Here’s our first of 31 reasons why we need bold, pro-growth tax reform in 2017.

Republicans are moving forward now on pro-growth tax reform that will:

  • Grow jobs and paychecks nationwide
  • Make the tax code simpler and fairer for all Americans
  • Help middle-class families – not Washington special interests

to learn more about our efforts to deliver tax reform in 2017.

CLICK HERE to read the joint statement on tax reform released by tax leaders in the Trump Administration, the House, and the Senate.