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Ways and Means Members Make the Case for Tax Reform

September 06, 2017

In August, Ways and Means Republicans spoke with families, workers, and job creators in their congressional districts and across the country about how bold, pro-growth tax reform will create jobs and increase wages. The message from the American people has been loud and clear – they are eager for pro-growth tax reform in 2017.



Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX)

“As I heard so many times throughout August, the American people are hungry and starved for a change in the tax code. It’s time for permanent, pro-growth tax reform that grows jobs and paychecks and delivers real simplicity and fairness for all Americans.”


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)

Today’s complex and burdensome tax code makes life harder on American businesses, workers, and families. The American people want a simpler, fairer tax code that will grow jobs, paychecks, and our economy as a whole.”



Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)

“We are making the case that tax reform will unlock economic growth here at home. Throughout August, I spoke with local business owners and community leaders from across the 12th district who told me that a simpler and fairer tax code will help them create jobs and boost wages for workers in central Ohio.”



Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA)

“Small business owners trying to run successful businesses and provide for their families are being held back by our outdated, complicated tax code. We need a tax code better suited to their needs so they can expand, create jobs here at home, and strengthen our local economies.”



Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL)

“We have reached a national inflection point and pro-growth tax reform will allow more Americans to live the American dream than ever before.”



Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)

“At the end of the day we’ve got more businesses closing than opening around the country and we need to change that pattern. We need to encourage entrepreneurship and startups and do everything we can to help them be successful.”



Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE)

“Simplifying our tax code is the best way we can grow our economy. After a busy month of meetings in Nebraska, I am gearing up for action on tax reform in September.”



Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN)

“We’re working hard to get tax reform across the finish line. Throughout this month, I heard from Minnesotans, families, small business owners, and local companies about why tax reform is so imperative, and why we must act on this once-in-a-generation opportunity to boost paychecks and jobs, and grow our economy.”



Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX)

“Texans know how to spend their money better than Washington bureaucrats, that’s why we’re focused on permanent tax relief for working families and pro-growth tax reform for our local job creators.”



Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY)

“I recently spoke with local business leaders who are members of Business Roundtable. They stressed that reforming our tax code will help them invest in creating good-paying jobs for people in our region.”



Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA)

“I was so glad to hear directly from my constituents about the need for pro-growth tax reform that makes life easier for hardworking families and small businesses. It’s now up to us in Congress to keep our word and implement a plan that modernizes the tax code, creates jobs, increases paychecks, and lets our entire economy thrive again. The time for major reform is now!”



Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD)

“Every farmer and rancher knows agriculture is a risky business, but few Americans understand that. We need to make sure our tax and trade policies give producers the opportunities needed to continue their operation into the next year and the next generation.”



Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO)

“Agriculture is one of the top drivers for Missouri’s economy, and like every other business, young family or budding entrepreneur, our farmers need relief from this country’s complicated and burdensome tax code. Not only are many of these folks farmers, but they run agribusinesses as well. Whether their farm hosts a fall festival or runs a farmer’s market, they are overwhelmed each year by the work they have to do just to figure out how much money they owe the federal government. It’s not right. The government should be taking the least amount of money from people as possible. Our farmers need to be able to focus on growing their crops, managing their land and running their ag-operations, not a complicated formula to add up the total amount of their hard-earned money that the federal government is going to take.”



Rep. Dave Schweikert (R-AZ)

“Back home in the Phoenix area – when I talk with local families, workers, and job creators – I hear from my constituents that they deeply want a simpler and fairer tax code that creates jobs, increases paychecks, and grows our economy. This is the kind of tax code all Americans deserve, and we’re committed to delivering it this year.”



Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN)

“I’ve been traveling around Indiana’s 2nd District hearing from local farmers, manufacturers, small business owners, and families about the challenges they face and how tax reform can help Hoosiers thrive. Family farmers are the backbone of our economy, and fixing our broken tax code is critical to making sure they can stay competitive and continue investing in the future.”



Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)

“With pro-growth tax reform, it’s our turn to renew the confidence of the American worker. To show American families that they can succeed here. That this is the greatest place in the world to get a job, to start a company, to invent a new product. That is what tax reform is all about.”



Rep. Mike Bishop (R-MI)

“I’ve been hosting a Jobs and Economy Tour throughout the month of August, visiting businesses ranging from small Main Street shops to global manufacturers in our district. This is important because the big-agenda items we’re working on in the House Ways and Means Committee – including tax reform and job creation – impact every type of business and community across America, and we want their input. It’s been a productive month hearing from local employers and employees, and I look forward to developing their ideas further when the House reconvenes in September.”