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NEW TAX REFORM VIDEO: “Between Two Chambers” Featuring Chairman Brady & Sen. Scott

October 11, 2017

The Ways and Means Committee today launched “Between Two Chambers,” a new video series that will feature a Member from the House and a Member from the Senate talking about tax reform. In the first episode, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Senate Finance Committee Member Tim Scott (R-SC) sat down to discuss how the House and the Senate are working together to deliver pro-growth tax reform to the American people.

Here’s a snapshot of what Chairman Brady and Sen. Scott had to say about how pro-growth tax reform will:

Help Hardworking Americans:

Scott: “As a guy who grew up in a single-parent household, mired in poverty, if I can find a way to help single moms keep more of their money, this is the right direction … [tax reform] helps everyday hardworking Americans.”

Brady: “Rarely in America’s history do you get a chance to really improve the lives of every American. Literally improve the lives of every American – especially for hardworking families.”

Improve Families’ Lives:

Brady: “My mom raised five of us by herself … one of the things we’ve talked about is increasing the child credit and making it eligible for more families because raising kids – we have teenagers – it’s expensive these days.”

Scott: “The cost of taking care of kids has never been higher. So, when we are understanding that reality and are compassionate for the hardworking folks out there – moms, dads, and dual families, dual-parent households – what we are saying to them is: ‘we get it.’”

Brady: “As precious as money is to families and their budgets, time is as well. And the thought that we could simplify the tax code so that nine out of ten Americans can file using a simple postcard system – saving them time and hassle and frustration – is pretty exciting.”

Scott: “We have to simplify the code. If we are going to talk to the everyday person who works very hard, comes home, has 30 or 40 minutes to talk to their kids, talk to their spouse, prepare a meal, get done with housework … they need their time. We have to keep it simple. I like the KISS formula: Keep It Simple, Scott.”

CLICK HERE or the image above to watch the “Between Two Chambers.”