WASHINGTON, D.C – Yesterday, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined S.E. Cupp on HLN’s “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” to discuss the work that the Ways & Means Committee is doing on welfare reform that will help Americans get off of the sidelines and into the workforce.
S.E. Cupp:
“I know it’s also your intention to tackle welfare by tightening work requirements for recipients. Now, you know currently the Farm Bill is facing some struggles from both the left and the right over work requirements for Food Stamp subsidies.
“So, are you optimistic that you can get your version of welfare reform passed?”
Chairman Brady:
“You know, I am, and here’s why. It’s been 22 years since Republicans and Democrats came together for the first major welfare reform that everyone applauded – because it focused on getting people back to work.
“So today, this hour, the Ways and Means Committee is introducing the JOBS for Success Act. It is restoring the promise of the 1996 welfare reforms.
“We are renaming that welfare program. Today, it’s the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. That’s fine, but we have a different goal: it’s JOBS. The JOBS Program: Jobs and Opportunity [with] Benefits and Services.
“So, we’re going to do some things differently, to really refocus the state on getting people back to work. And, making sure we’re doing all we can to help people move from the sidelines really to the frontlines of the workforce.”