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Brady Statement on U.S.-Mexico Progress on Trade

August 27, 2018

Washington, D.C. — Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after President Donald Trump and United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced that the United States and Mexico have resolved bilateral issues with respect to their trade negotiations:

“A modernized and improved North American trade agreement is vital to American workers and businesses.

“It is very encouraging that President Trump, along with Ambassador Lighthizer and his team, have reached a bilateral understanding with Mexico to update the agreement for the benefit of American workers, farmers, and local businesses.

“I look forward to carefully analyzing the details and consulting in the weeks ahead with my colleagues and constituents to determine whether the new proposal meets the trade priorities set out by Congress under Trade Promotion Authority.

“I call on Canada to come back to the negotiating table quickly with the aim of concluding a modern, seamless three-way agreement.”

Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) added:

“With the importance of trade with Canada and Mexico to my home state of Washington, I am encouraged that today’s announcement reaffirms our commitment to a trade agreement with our North American partners.  Because my constituents rely on NAFTA to create jobs and growth at home, my priorities remain an improved and modernized NAFTA that provides certainty, includes strong protections, and is fully enforceable.  I urge the Administration to engage with Congress as it moves forward in negotiations with Canada, and I hope that Canada will come back to the table with new energy.  We are stronger and more successful together, and I look forward to reaching agreement on an updated agreement that includes all three countries and benefits American farmers, workers, and businesses.”