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Republicans Put American Workers First as Democrats Play Politics

January 15, 2020

January 15th, 2020 will go down as an important day in history. Just not for the reasons the media may want you to think.

Republicans fought for the American people during the morning, afternoon, and evening of this day. Democrats, once again, played politics.

Here is the day in review.


What Republicans did: The President signed a historic phase one trade agreement with China. As Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) highlighted, “President Trump, Trade Ambassador Lighthizer, and Secretary Mnuchin are achieving what no White House has achieved before them: a strong, real and enforceable commitment from China to end unfair trade practices and level the playing field for American workers, manufacturers, farmers, and businesses.”

What Democrats did: Held a press conference about their sham impeachment proceedings.


What Republicans did: GOP Members of the Ways and Means Committee met with the European Union Trade Commissioner, fighting for a stronger trading relationship between the U.S. and the EU. Chairman Brady pushed agriculture, an end to France’s discriminatory tax on U.S. companies and their Airbus subsidies, and for meaningful reform of the WTO.

What Democrats did: Went on TV to brag about their sham impeachment proceedings.


What Republicans did: The Senate started debating the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement on the floor. This new trade agreement means more jobs and economic growth for America. As the Senate’s third highest ranking Republican Sen. John Barrasso said,“We’re going to pass USMCA [Thursday].”

What Democrats did: Continued their TV tour on their sham impeachment proceedings.

The bottom line: Republicans fought for American workers on January 15th, 2020; Democrats fought for partisan politics and themselves.