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Brady on Fox & Friends: “Our small businesses can’t wait.”

April 09, 2020

House Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Fox and Friends to talk about the need to approve the President’s call for $251 billion more for the Paycheck Protection Program to help America’s small businesses:

On helping small businesses:


“The focus right now ought to be on our small businesses. More than half of American workers work in small businesses.”


“The need is there, or we wouldn’t have literally hundreds of thousands of local businesses seeking those loans.”


“The Trump Administration did a remarkable job getting this program up in seven days. My belief is politics can wait, small businesses can’t, and certainly not their workers. The House needs to pick this up as a clean bill and approve it.”


On reopening our economy:


“Right now, businesses are rightly focused on helping on applying maximum pressure on the virus and survival – that is exactly where they need to be.”


“How we exit this crisis is as important as how we entered it from an economic standpoint. We are putting a lot of money, $2 trillion, in helping businesses ride this out and keep their workers close to them. That puts us in a position to rebound.”


“I’m encouraging my local governments to have those discussions with businesses because I believe it is key for our economic recovery.”


“I don’t think we are going to flip a switch and the economy just roars back. I think this is going to be a rolling reopening driven by what we are seeing on the ground driven by the virus. There is a right way to do this, and I think the President is thinking ahead.”


On capitalism’s importance in fighting the virus:


“When President Trump realized that we needed a partnership, it was private business that rode to the rescue, with the new testing, gearing up the new production, bringing innovation and solutions to the table. It’s been that partnership.”


“If we had been limited by just a ‘one-size-fits-all’ national government, frankly we wouldn’t have the hope we are starting to see today in our local communities.”


“Socialism is being proven not to work as we speak.”  

 CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.