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President Biden is Holding Back Our Jobs Recovery

June 04, 2021

With two consecutive jobs reports falling far short of expectations, President Biden seriously tried to spin today’s numbers as “great news” for the U.S. economy while attempting to justify more excessive government spending.

Yes, seriously.

It’s Democrats’ prolonged, excessive emergency spending that is holding back our economic recovery.

According to a new report released by Ways and Means Republicans, an average family of four will receive $109,084 or more in federal government assistance through September.

NEW: ANALYSIS: Family of 4 Getting $109,048 in COVID Government Checks Already Approved by Congress

With plans for another multi-trillion dollar COVID spending bill, and Democrats calling for a fourth and fifth government check, Democrats’ sabotage of our country’s recovery is just getting started.

We need to end Democrats’ emergency spending and endless government checks.

Touting the abysmal report as “historic progress,” President Biden went on to say:

“Unemployment filings are down. […] Jobs are up. Wages are up. Manufacturing is up. Growth is up. […] Small business confidence is up. America is finally on the move again.”

But the numbers paint a different, bleaker reality. Let’s take a look.


Long-term unemployment is higher than when the pandemic started.

  • President Biden’s claim that ‘unemployment filings are down,’ doesn’t tell the full story: 53,000 workers left the labor force.

Labor force participation mirrors the stagnant 1970s.

Democrats are crushing Main Street’s hiring efforts.

  • President Biden tried to minimize the effects of Democrats’ War on Work, saying it “makes sense” that expanded unemployment benefits expire in September. But for Main Street, that’s 90 days too long.
  • Small businesses are trying to compete with Washington Democrats’ unemployment benefits. As a result, wages are also going up – but with skyrocketing consumer costs – most of those wage gains are being wiped out.

Democrats’ tax and spend agenda will only continue to hold America’s economic recovery back.