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HELP WANTED: Record 9.3 Million Unfilled Job Openings Prove Dems’ Policies Are Failing American People

June 08, 2021

Democrats have continued to wage a devastating War on Work – and Main Street is paying the price.

Today’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) report – which showed an all-time record of 9.3 million job openings – confirms what job creators know to be true: President Biden is sabotaging our economic and jobs recovery.

And it’s not just President Biden. There are some congressional Democrats pushing for a fourth and fifth stimulus check, even though for all intents and purposes the emergency is over.

NEWSFLASH: America doesn’t need more of Democrats’ emergency spending and endless government checks.

Main Street needs economic policies that will bring Americans off the sidelines and working families need economic policies that will keep consumer prices low.


President Biden Is on Track to Break the Obama-Biden Record for Worst Economic Recovery in History. 

  • Today, the Washington Post awarded President Biden two Pinocchios for claiming credit for the job growth he inherited.
    • In fact, in the first five months of his Administration, President Biden is half a million jobs short of the job creation in the last five months of the Trump Administration, most of which was reached at the height of the pandemic.
  • President Biden’s budget accepts slow economic growth as the “new normal” which will hamstring generations of Americans’ opportunity while permanently shrinking paychecks

READ: Biden Budget Includes Tax Increase on Lower & Middle Income Families Earning Under $400,000

Dems’ Expanded Unemployment Benefits Are Crushing Main Street.

  • Long-term unemployment is worse today than it was before the pandemic, and labor force participation has regressed to the 1970s.
  • Half of America’s states (and counting) have opted out of Democrats’ enhanced federal unemployment benefits in an effort to protect their economic recoveries.
    • Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) has introduced legislation that would provide a “back-to-work” bonus to help Main Street re-open and re-build their workforce.

READ: The ‘70s Called, And It Wants Its Economy Back

Our Recovery Cannot Afford Dems’ Emergency Spending and Endless Government Checks.

READ: Family of 4 Getting $109,048 in COVID Government Checks Already Approved by Congress