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WSJ: What Kind of a Jobs Plan Results in Fewer Jobs?

June 09, 2021

“What kind of a ‘jobs’ plan results in fewer jobs?” The Wall Street Journal editorial board asked on Tuesday as yet another study reveals what we’ve been saying: Biden’s infrastructure plan is an economic disaster for our recovery and for American workers.

From the Wall Street Journal: Sometimes the president calls his next proposed spending blowout an ‘infrastructure’ bill and sometimes he calls it a ‘jobs’ program. The Biden plan may end up destroying plenty of both.”


If we want to rebuild families and the economy, it’s time to stop Democrats’ endless emergency spending.

  • The Tax Foundation reports that Biden’s tax-and-spend spree would result in 101,000 fewer U.S. jobs.
  • Our analysis shows that the average family of four will already receive $109,048 in COVID government checks by September of this year, yet Democrats continue to push for endless emergency spending. What American families really need are to be reconnected with good-paying jobs, not endless government checks.

READ: ANALYSIS: Family of 4 Getting $109,048 in COVID Government Checks Already Approved by Congress

President Biden is on track to break the Obama-Biden record for the worst economic recovery in history.

  • With two consecutive jobs reports falling short of expectations, President Biden’s attack on American jobs and obsession with emergency spending and endless government checks is holding back our recovery.
  • An analysis from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School finds that Biden’s plan will reduce U.S. economic growth, capital stock, wages, and hours worked over the next decade.

READ: HELP WANTED: Record 9.3 Million Unfilled Job Openings Prove Dems’ Policies Are Failing American People

Democrats’ unprecedented endless spending destines our country for slow economic growth.

  • While Republican tax reform helped all Americans and positioned the U.S. to compete and win on the global stage, Biden’s budget lands on the backs of middle-class working families in lower paychecks, sends jobs overseas, and means less investment in local communities.
  • A bipartisan majority of Americans agree: right now is not the time to be raising taxes.

READ: Fact Check: President Biden Repeats False Claim That His Plan Would Create 16 Million Jobs