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Day Two Wrap-up: Dems Reject Republican Amendments in Day Two of $3.5 Trillion Tax Hike and Spending Package Hearing

September 10, 2021

On Day Two of Democrats rushing to pass their crippling $3.5 trillion tax hike and spending spree out of Committee, Ways and Means Republicans offered commonsense amendments to protect working families and small businesses from more Washington mandates and tax hikes.

CLICK HERE for a summary of the amendments Democrats rejected on Day One.

On Day Two, Democrats rejected:

  • Rep. Vern Buchanan’s (R-FL) “Trade Not Aid Amendment” amendment extending the 2015 Trade Promotion Authority and Trade Adjustment Assistance through 2028. CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Buchanan offer this amendment.
  • Rep. Jodey Arrington’s (R-TX) “TAA for Energy Workers Amendment” providing assistance to communities and blue-collar workers harmed by President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline. CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Arrington offer this amendment.
  • Rep. David Schweikert’s (R-AZ) “True Priorities Amendment” to invest in cures and research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for diabetes, minority health and health disparities, maternal mortality and postpartum care, cancer, and Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Schweikert offer this amendment.
  • Rep. Carol Miller’s (R-WV) “Combating Maternal Mortality Amendment” to take the funding from the ineffective HPOGS program and put it towards funding for mothers in poverty and domestic violence prevention as part of the Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting program. CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Miller offer this amendment.
  • Rep. Mike Kelly’s (R-PA) amendment to redirect Elder Justice Act funding to President Biden’s September Supplemental Request – including the border crisis, Afghan refugees, disabled Veterans, and evacuating Afghanistan. CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Kelly offer this amendment.
  • And Reps. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Reps. Tom Reed (R-NY), and Mike Kelly’s (R-PA) “Truth for American Seniors Amendment” to ensure the cover-ups of nursing home deaths conducted by state officials like disgraced New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo never happen again by prioritizing seniors’ safety and ensure state accountability during the continuing pandemic. CLICK HERE to watch Reps. Smucker, Reed, and Kelly offer this amendment.

Further Background:

BRADY: Another day, another $314 billion spent expanding the welfare state in America

BRADY: Expanding TAA with No Trade Agenda Ignores Workers and Job Creation

BUCHANAN: Dems’ Trade Moratorium Means Fewer American Jobs, More Wasteful Spending

NUNES: Today Dems give seniors $85 for glasses. Next week, they’ll take away your cure for ALS.

WALORSKI: Dems Punt on & Worsen Broken Forever Programs with $3.5 Trillion Welfare Expansion

NUNES: Dems Abandoned Bipartisan Efforts on Greater Nursing Home Transparency