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Brady: Biden, Democrats ignored inflation, denied it, and now pass the buck for incompetence

January 12, 2022

WASHINGTON – House Committee on Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement on news that inflation surged 7 percent year over year in December to the fastest rate since 1982.

“This crushing report shows Democrats’ spending has pushed Bidenflation to achieve the highest prices in 40 years, killing family budgets and wiping out three years of wage gains.

“As Chairman Powell said yesterday, inflation is a severe threat to getting workers off the sidelines and back into the workforce—yet the Biden Administration has ignored it, denied it, and is now passing the buck for their own incompetence.

“No one is buying Democrats’ excuses: The American people are suffering as they watch this Administration refuse to lift a finger to help them out of this crisis.”