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Brady: President Biden Began His Presidency Standing on Third Base and Proudly Stole Second

January 20, 2022

Top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss how President Biden bungled our economic recovery in his first year in office.

CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.


ONE PAGER: President Biden’s Top 5 Economic Mistakes


Rep. Brady on President Biden’s bitterly disappointing first year in office:


“The problem isn’t the Biden messaging, the problem is Biden’s policies themselves.


“I believe he bungled this economic recovery. He inherited a better than expected recovery from 2020. There were trillions of dollars of stimulus, life-saving vaccines, and a lot of regions finally reopening as a country. It should have been a very strong year.”


Rep. Brady noted American workers have lost three years of wage gains within the first year of the Biden Administration:


“He’s missed all three quarters of economic projects. He’s a million jobs short of his promises from the COVID stimulus. The inflation increases were so much last year he gave back three years of wage growth for most Ameircans. His policies actually made the labor shortage worse. 


“President Biden began his presidency standing on third base and he proudly stole second.”


LISTEN: Brady: In One Year, President Biden Reversed Three Years of Wage Growth


Finally, Rep. Brady warned against President Biden’s push for crippling tax hikes:


“It’s time to course correct. Stop pursuing policies like major tax hikes on job creators and investors in America that have created a great deal of uncertainty, and address inflation in a big way.”



“Work with Republicans on reconnecting workers to jobs. Small businesses are desperate for workers.”


WATCH: EXPERT: Biden “Hasn’t Added One Single Job from 2019 High Watermark”