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Brady: President Biden Sidelines American Workers and Job Creators

February 09, 2022

Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) appeared on Fox News Radio’s “Guy Benson Show” to discuss the red flags in President Biden’s economy and January jobs report, the Biden Administration’s so-called “competitiveness bill” which sidelines America and does nothing to hold China accountable, and the IRS surveillance scheme which targets low- and middle- income earners.


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On President Biden’s barriers to work and the January jobs report numbers, Rep. Brady said:


“There’s no question about it, Republican governors who opened up early – who ended those very lavish unemployment benefits early – have seen the strongest job growth, the lowest unemployment, and frankly they’re the reason why the numbers have started to bounce back.

“One thing I would point out is that the headline number on Friday was a bit of a shocker. Most people thought, okay, now that President Biden’s barriers to work like the child tax credit that doesn’t require you to work anymore were ending, people were beginning to reconnect to their jobs, which is a good thing. 

“But in digging into the data, experts have warned that when you remove population provisions, which is what the Labor Department does, they just add the new Census data at the beginning of every year. So it rejiggers everything in the statistics. If you actually remove those, which are just technical changes, job growth it turns out did actually fall, by 272,000 jobs and the number of unemployed rose.”


On the red flags in President Biden’s economy, Rep. Brady said: 


“Here’s what we know for certain: there are a whole lot of red flags facing this economy. Including raging inflation, the President’s jobs deficit – which is the gap between what he promised and delivered – rose again to 1.2 million jobs short, and as you know, we have a big huge worker shortage that’s really driving up inflation and keeping the economy held back. 


“You want a stronger economy. We’re all rooting for it. I don’t think that one month number was what we needed. And we’ve still got these looming tax increases still hanging over the heads of small businesses and Main Street job creators. That’s a worry as well.


On President Biden’s $300 billion partisan bill which sidelines America and does nothing to hold China accountable, Rep. Brady said:


“When you’re confronting China the key questions are: Does this hold China accountable for their predatory trade practices? No, it doesn’t. 


“Does it build off of President Trump’s Phase One agreement that began to change the behavior of China as far as stealing our intellectual property and technologies? No. 


“And does it confront China’s aggressiveness on trade agreements around the world? The answer is no. In fact, the Biden Administration is sitting on the sidelines while China, Japan, Russia, and others are divvying up the world’s customers for their farmers and manufacturers and workers.”


On President Biden’s IRS surveillance scheme targeting lower- and middle- income Americans, Rep. Brady said:


“This surveillance and reporting of your Venmo and other third party apps that require you to report those transactions, those land principally on low and middle income earners.”