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FACT CHECK: The Real Reason Behind High Energy Costs

February 23, 2022

American workers have lost three years of wage gains because of the Biden Administration’s policies, yet Democrats once again claim greed is the reason.

Families are faced with higher gas prices – more than $3.50 per gallon on average – because of Democrats’ refusal to support expanding our energy supply and promoting energy independence. Yet despite making energy more scarce – which always results in higher prices – Democrats claim the real problem is “price gouging.”

Here is actually what’s behind the skyrocketing energy costs:

President Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline.

  • President Biden’s first executive order killed the Keystone XL Pipeline, contributing to the massive spike in energy prices.

READ: Thanks to Bidenflation, Gas Now 50 Percent More Expensive

President Biden targeted oil and gas workers.

  • By banning new oil and gas leasing on federal land at the behest of Green New Deal enthusiasts, President Biden attacked blue-collar workers and their families by making energy less affordable.

Democrats’ Green New Deal tax hikes will hammer middle-class families.

  • Democrats’ want to give away ​​$550 billion in green welfare subsidies to special interests and the wealthy – literally sending government checks to the Top 1 percent and the biggest corporations.
    • Wealthy individuals with up to $500,000 in income would enjoy their own green welfare, including a $12,500 check to buy a luxury electric vehicle.

READ: Democrats’ Latest Crippling Tax Hikes Punish Workers & Families, Send Jobs Overseas, Crush Small Business, & Make Labor Shortage Worse

Democrats’ so-called ‘gas tax holiday’ does not address skyrocketing energy costs.

  • If Democrats wanted to get serious about addressing 40-year high inflation and the skyrocketing price of gas, then they could start by abandoning their plans for more spending and crippling tax hikes, ease regulations, and make America energy independent once again.

READ: Brady Warns Dems’ Crippling Tax Hikes are Still on the Table