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ALERT: 62 Percent of American Families Can’t Keep Up With Bidenflation

March 31, 2022

For more than 60 percent of working families, their incomes simply can’t keep up rising costs, according to a recent poll by NBC News.

This comes after new analysis found that President Biden’s economic policies caused U.S. inflation to reach a 40-year high, surpassing other nations.

But that won’t stop congressional Democrats from pushing for more inflationary spending (like “gas cards”) or the Biden Administration from doubling down on crippling tax hikes that will hit low- and middle-income earners.

The poll found:

  • Facing 40-year high inflation, 62 percent of Americans said their family incomes are falling behind the cost of living.
  • A plurality of nearly 40 percent of Americans believe President Biden is responsible for rising prices, while only 6 percent buy the Biden blame game that higher prices are due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • A mere 33 percent of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of the economy.
  • More than 70 percent of Americans said they believe the nation is on the wrong track.

Read the poll here.

READ: Biden Budget’s Tax Hikes Hit Middle Class and Family Businesses, Send Jobs Fleeing Overseas, Makes Inflation Worse

READ: Fact Check: Biden Budget Director is Wrong–American Inflation Isn’t Just Part of a Global Trend

READ: GALLUP: Bidenflation Top of Mind for Increasingly Worried Americans