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America’s Farmers and Ranchers Need USMCA

June 21, 2019

Support continued to grow this week for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) – a trilateral trade agreement that will help America’s farmers and ranchers compete and win.

Mexico became the first of the three countries to pass the new trade agreement.  And Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to Capitol Hill this week to meet with top lawmakers to build support for the deal.

The new agreement, which nonpartisan estimates predict will boost jobs and wages in America, is crucial to U.S. farmers and ranchers.

USMCA will provide our farmers greater certainty so that they can make new investments and grow operations.  It also provides significant new access to the Canadian market for American dairy, wheat, chicken, egg, and turkey products.

In an example of the growing bipartisan support for the agreement, Obama’s former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said that USMCA’s passage is important for agriculture.  Mr. Vilsack stressed that passing USMCA is about “giving all the people who are connected to the food and agriculture industry a victory.”

Check out what lawmakers and leaders from across the country are saying about how USMCA will boost American agriculture for years to come.

Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL) wrote in the Washington Examiner:

“Not only does USMCA maintain the duty-free access for American farmers to Mexico and Canada, it will deliver an additional $2.2 billion in economic activity.   Passage of USMCA will also open the Canadian market for American dairy, wheat, chicken, egg, and turkey products.”

Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) said in a Ways and Means Committee hearing:

“This agreement will go a long way to drive exports for farmers and manufacturers in Indiana’s 2nd District.  It sets a strong standard for the great innovators that call the Hoosier state home. And it levels the playing field for workers to ensure that we don’t lose jobs to unfair labor practices abroad.”

Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) said in a Ways and Means Committee hearing:

“We cannot lose sight of how important our north American trading relationships are and how crucial their continuation is to the wellbeing and economic survival of our farmers, ranchers, and rural communities – and let’s not forget consumers as well. . . . Farmers and ranchers need markets.”

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) said that USMCA will benefit farmers and local job creators:

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) said at a House Financial Services Committee hearing that USMCA is good for Ohio’s farmers:

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue wrote in the Tallahassee Democrat:

“Our farmers, ranchers and producers have an abundance of the highest quality products they want to sell around the globe. President Trump is laying the foundation for a stronger farm economy through USMCA and other free and fair trade deals.”

Over Half of America’s State Governors wrote to Congressional leaders:

“The USMCA modernizes our trade agreement with Canada and Mexico to account for stronger protections for trade secrets, intellectual property, anticorruption, and digital trade. The USMCA also expands access to markets for our farmers and ranchers and reduces barriers for agricultural markets.”

52 food and agriculture organization wrote to lawmakers:

“USMCA, in addition to securing existing market opportunities, will provide enhanced market access for dairy, poultry, and eggs; establish modern, science based sanitary and phytosanitary standards that are the gold standard for future trade agreements; and simplify customs procedures. Building on previously established market access and modernizing non-tariff measures, USMCA will deepen the export  competitiveness of U.S. food and agriculture, boosting U.S. jobs and economic security.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about USMCA and why we cannot afford the cost of delay.