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What America’s Job Creators, Conservative Leaders, and Editorial Boards Are Saying about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

December 18, 2017

Last week, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) filed the conference report for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1). Under the conference report, the typical family of four earning the median family income of $73,000 will receive a tax cut of $2,059.

Business organizations, conservative leaders, and editorial boards from around the country shared their support:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“By passing the conference report, Congress would unleash resources for businesses large and small to hire new workers, expand facilities, and purchase new equipment. Bringing about tax reform would help ensure that these investments are made here in the United States, and these investments would lead to higher wages and catalyze broad economic growth.” 

National Association of Manufacturers 

“This legislation represents historic progress for manufacturers and for all Americans. As manufacturers across our country have said many times, tax reform done right will empower us to create more well-paying jobs and invest and build more right here in America.”

National Federation of Independent Business

“Tax relief is the number-one priority for small businesses, which represent half the economy and half the GDP. This bill will allow millions of small business owners to keep and reinvest more of their money, so they can grow and create jobs.”

Americans for Tax Reform

“…it will create millions of American jobs AND simplify and lower taxes on Americans. It reduces taxes on American corporations AND small businesses.”

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

“The House campaigned on tax reform with its Better Way agenda, and Donald Trump made it a 2016 theme. This bill fulfills that promise. For eight years the Democrats put income equality over growth and ended up with less of both. Now Republicans are poised to enact a tax bill that on the whole makes broad prosperity the priority.”

Business Roundtable

“Business leaders applaud the conference committee for coming to an agreement that will promote U.S. competitiveness and spur economic growth.”


“AT&T remains committed to invest an additional $1 billion in the United States in 2018 if the bill proposed by the House and Senate conference committee is passed into law.”

RATE Coalition

“A critical fix to our broken tax system – one that punishes job-creating businesses of all sizes with the highest corporate rate in the industrialized world – the TCJA Conference Report would help our economy grasp the growth that’s well within its reach.”

Alliance for Competitive Taxation

“This pro-growth tax reform bill is a major step in leveling the playing field for American businesses competing in world markets and will create opportunities for American workers.”

National Association of Home Builders

“This comprehensive overhaul of the nation’s tax code will help middle-class families, maintain the nation’s commitment to affordable housing and ensure that small businesses are treated fairly relative to large corporations.” 

Real Estate Roundtable

“New investment incentives in this bill should spur economic growth and boost job creation throughout the United States.” 

Financial Services Roundtable

“FSR believes the outcome of the conference committee report will help drive more jobs and long-term investment that benefits American workers and their families.” 

American Bankers Association

“ABA believes the significant reforms included in this legislation will help grow the economy and create jobs.”

Americans for Prosperity

“This final tax reform plan delivers relief to the working class while unleashing opportunity and growth for America’s small business owners and job creators.”

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

“The conference report is a solid bill that will enable strong and sustainable economic growth, which is critical to healthy entrepreneurship and small business growth.”

American Action Network

“The plan presented by Congress today will expand economic opportunity for all Americans by unleashing more jobs, lower taxes and a fairer playing field for businesses.”

Stephen Moore, Conservative Economist

“This is a pretty historical moment for the conservative movement… This, if it passes, will be the single biggest policy triumph for conservatives since the 1996 welfare reform. It’s up there with the ’81 Reagan tax cuts.”