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As Democrats Prioritize Millionaires, President Continues Push Toward Cure

May 15, 2020

Key Points:

-The President announced “Operation Warp Speed” today. This is a new initiative to “accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (medical countermeasures).”

-The Operation seeks to have “substantial quantities of a safe and effective vaccine” against COVID-19 by January 2021.

The details:

As Democrats bring a $3 trillion bill to the House floor that prioritizes partisanship over protections for health-care providers, the President is continuing his work to help America defeat the novel coronavirus.

Operation Warp Speed is a public-private project that brings in a plethora of experts from the government and the private sector to facilitate “the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 countermeasures.” The Operation will focus on three core areas: development of a vaccine; the manufacturing of it; and ultimately distributing it to Americans.

“President Trump has refused to accept business-as-usual timelines for vaccines and other essential tools, and instead has insisted that America, and the world, needs answers faster,” Secretary Alex Azar said. “Under the President’s leadership, his administration and American industry will squeeze every last inefficiency out of the process and pour every resource we can into this effort.”

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.

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