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As Economy Falters, Americans Have Options for Health Care Insurance

April 03, 2020

As Americans have to deal with an uncertain economic landscape, it’s important that they know they have options to access affordable, quality care, especially now that the CARES Act is law.

  • Employers have a responsibility—and the support of the American taxpayer—to keep their workers connected to their job-based coverage: Businesses small and large are encouraged to keep workers on the payroll thanks to incentives in the CARES Act, including deferment on payroll taxes, the employee retention credit, and the payroll protection act.
  • If you’ve been laid off, you can keep your insurance: Most people are eligible for COBRA benefits, which allow you to keep the health insurance your employer provided for up to 18 months following a layoff. The boosted unemployment insurance and the coronavirus relief payment, combined with the medical expense deduction expanded as part of tax reform, can help Americans pay for that coverage.
  • After being laid off, you can still use a “special enrollment period,” to get health insurance. Workers who lost their jobs and their insurance are able to enroll in health insurance in the individual market or gain access to a program like Medicaid.
  • Short Term Limited Duration plans may suit your needs: Thanks to the Trump Administration, “short term” health insurance plans are available to help those struggling to pay the high premiums caused by the Democrats’ health care policies. While the short-term plans are not for everyone, they may suit the immediate needs of families who need coverage amidst the economic turmoil of the coronavirus pandemic.

Americans deserve choice in their care, especially in times of economic turmoil. That’s why Republicans worked to remove taxes on health insurance and medical devices, and to get rid of the red tape blocking people from getting care they need from providers. Providing more options during this temporary economic crisis is the right thing to do.

Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.