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Bipartisan Opposition To Job-Killing Tax Hikes Surging

May 06, 2021

“There should be a battle royale,” across the country on Democrats’ job-killing tax hikes, warned House Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) on Fox News. “There’s so much wasteful spending in this bill, and the tax increases that go with it, they’re going to devastate our jobs and recovery.”

WATCH: Brady: The Real Battle Royale: Tax Hikes on Working Families


Democrats’ job-killing tax hikes are deeply unpopular. The vast majority of Americans – across party lines – believe now is not the time to be raising taxes.

Our booming economic recovery will become a Biden-Bust. By making America’s tax rates higher than Communist China, job-creators are going to think twice before doing business here –sabotaging our economic recovery. 

Moderate Democrats have an opportunity to reject the biggest job-killing tax hikes in half a centurySupport for Biden’s tax hikes have taken a hit, with satisfaction among Americans earning at least $75,000 dropping 11 points – the biggest one month dive in almost two decades.