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Boustany Questions IRS Employees Attending Union Training on Official Time

April 18, 2013
Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Boustany Jr., M.D. (R-LA) sent a letter to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Acting Commissioner Steve Miller inquiring about IRS employees leaving their official duties to attend union training conferences on the taxpayer’s dime.

Recently, the IRS informed its employees that, due to sequestration, five to seven days of furloughs would be implemented.  However, the Committee has learned that the IRS approved and agreed to pay employees who represent the union to spend 20.5 hours of official time to attend union conferences in New Orleans, Las Vegas and other locations.  

In the letter Boustany states, “IRS employees leaving their official duties to attend union training in Las Vegas on the taxpayer’s dime – while other employees are being furloughed – seems questionable at best.”
