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Brady Applauds President’s Leadership in Appointing New Testing Czar to Help Fight COVID-19

March 13, 2020

WASHINGTON – The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after President Trump announced that ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D, Assistant Secretary for Health, will be appointed new “testing czar” for the federal government:

“Once again, the President is showing sound and proactive leadership as America works to fight this novel coronavirus. Adm. Giroir is an excellent choice to be our nation’s new testing czar – he is someone who has served his country, and my home state of Texas, honorably throughout his career. I am confident that he will be an invaluable addition to the President’s counsel as we continue our work to ensure all Americans, their families, and their communities are safe from this global pandemic.”