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Brady, Buchanan Lead Letter to Biden Calling for Renewal of Trade Promotion Authority

August 03, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Trade Subcommittee Republican Leader Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL), and Ways and Means Republicans today called on President Biden to end his Administration’s trade moratorium and begin consultations with Congress to renew Trade Promotion Authority (TPA).


TPA is key to our economic recovery because it will lead to strong trade agreements that create U.S. jobs and open new markets for American goods and services. TPA also is key to America’s leadership in raising standards throughout the world.


In a letter, Ways and Means Republicans wrote:


“…it’s not enough to Buy American, we need to Sell American

throughout the world. Opening markets for new customers, reducing trade barriers, and effectively enforcing existing trade agreements all are vital to America’s economic recovery from the global COVID-19 pandemic.




“TPA is the foremost tool at our disposal to ensure that the United States continues to have a leading role in writing the trading rules that regulate the global economy.




“TPA renewal is an essential component of a unified U.S. Government approach to determining our international trade negotiation and enforcement priorities. It is only with this unified approach that we can deepen relationships with our allies to counter China through trade policy.”


CLICK HERE to read the letter.