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Brady, Crapo: Continued EU Roadblocks Warn Against Partisan Path Forward on Global Minimum Tax that Harms America

April 05, 2022

Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Senate Finance Committee Republican Leader Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) issued the following statement as OECD negotiations stalled once again over its global minimum tax framework:

“EU finance ministers have again failed to agree on the global minimum tax, further evidence that the Biden Administration was premature in taking a victory lap on the OECD Agreement.

“If the EU is already hitting roadblocks, no one should expect countries like China to implement this deal anytime soon.

“The Biden Administration has neglected to consult with Congress in this process, and the result is a bad deal for American businesses and workers. The Administration should abandon its failed go-it-alone approach and work with Congress to negotiate a deal that protects U.S. economic strength.”