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Brady: Dems’ Partisan Bill Sidelines America, Does Nothing to Hold China Accountable

February 03, 2022

On House Democrats’ partisan, so-called “competitiveness bill,” top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement:


“This partisan bill does nothing to hold China accountable for its predatory trade practices, enforce President Trump’s historic agreement to stop China’s cheating on trade, or counter China’s trade aggression around the world.


“Two thirds of the world’s countries now trade more with China than with America, yet President Biden is content to sit on the sidelines while foreign countries effectively block American farmers, workers, and businesses from competing on a level playing field for new customers to sell ‘Made in America’ products.


“Democrats have jammed this nearly 3,000-page giveaway with billions of dollars of new trade assistance welfare and lavish health care subsidies that discourage the jobless from connecting to work. They hold the world’s poorest countries hostage to Green New Deal demands, and make it harder for American manufacturers to qualify for lower tariffs on products needed to compete and win, both here and abroad. 


“The bill includes billions in new permanent tax subsidies for favored corporations, while imposing more Washington control over others.


“It’s a shame. This was the perfect opportunity for a Biden Administration that most Americans have lost faith in to reverse its extreme partisan course and work alongside Republicans to counter China. Instead, they chose to continue their one-party socialist agenda destined to fail the American people – again.” 


READ: One-Pager: Democrats Concede to China in So-Called Competition Bill

READ: Brady: Congressional Democrats Aren’t Serious About Confronting China