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Brady Joins CNBC to Discuss Fed, Growth, GOP Tax Cuts

April 02, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “The Fed needs to not micromanage the economy,” said Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) today on CNBC’s Halftime Report.

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Rep. Brady, the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee and chief architect of the 2017 GOP Tax Cuts, joined Scott Wapner to discuss a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed he wrote with economist Larry Lindsey challenging the Federal Reserve’s slow growth projections.

Don’t put your foot on the brakes or the accelerator,” Rep. Brady stressed to Wapner regarding the Fed.  “We have a very healthy economy – let it continue to grow.”

The main reason behind this message, Rep. Brady said, is that since the GOP Tax Cuts were signed into law, the underlying fundamentals of the U.S. economy are “healthy.”

“Personal income is growing, in fact it accelerated in the last half of the last year,” Rep. Brady noted.  “Worker productivity is running four times better than in the last year in the Obama administration.  Business, consumer confidence expectations are very strong.  The underlying factors are very good in our economy.” 

If sound policies are continued, Rep. Brady said, this economic growth will continue.

The Texan tax writer said that Republicans “made a relatively smart and modest investment into a new tax code.”

“Most of this was designed for the long term, to change the location decisions so that plants and manufacturing and research and IP is done in the U.S., not overseas,” said the Congressman.  “That’s happening around us right now; and I think that’ll take a couple years to manifest.”