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Brady on FOX & Friends

May 01, 2018

Yesterday, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade on FOX & Friends to discuss tax reform and what phase two involves.

Chairman Brady:

“Phase two is about building off of the success of phase one. So here we are a few months into the new tax code – already, paychecks are rising at the fastest rate in more than a decade, unemployment claims are down, the lowest since the 1960s, and jobs are coming back to the United States. . . 

“So, off to a very good start. But we shouldn’t settle for just an excellent start. We think we ought to break the culture in Washington – President Trump and I – where they used to do tax reform once every 30 years, and just a lot of special interest provisions in between. We think every year Congress and the President ought to be working to make our tax code even better – more competitive, more innovative, more family friendly. . . 

“And, one of the things we’ve talked about now that paychecks are rising, we’ve got more jobs – so can we do more to help families save for retirement, for health care, maybe for college, or technical schools for their kids? Can we do more for businesses to help their employees pay off those student loans? Those sorts of improvements that just make us better as a nation every year.”

Democrats want to go back to bad old days – not only do they want to raise your taxes and take more from you, they want to do that for more spending. So, we think it’s important to have a vote … to talk about issues like permanence – we made the family tax cuts long-term but not permanent because of Senate budget rules, we think that’d be a good vote to have as well.”