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Brady Praises House Passage of Eight Ways & Means Committee Bills

September 22, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the House of Representatives passed eight pieces of Ways and Means Committee legislation to solve a range of challenges facing the American people. These bills will improve the lives of workers and job creators, support our Olympians and Paralympians, expand access to quality health care, and strengthen trade rules to stop a source of terrorist funding.

Following the passage of these important bills, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said:

“The legislation we passed this week is a direct result of an open and inclusive legislative process driven by our Committee, Speaker Ryan, and our Republican leadership team. These bills will address a range of challenges—including providing relief from burdensome regulations, protecting taxpayers’ identities and hard–earned dollars, supporting local businesses, and strengthening our national security. I thank my colleagues for proposing commonsense solutions and I look forward to making more progress on behalf of the people we serve in the months ahead.” 

The bills passed this week include:

United States Appreciation for Olympians and Paralympians Act (H.R. 5946)
Sponsored by Rep. Bob Dold (R-IL)
Eliminates a tax imposed on medals or other prizes awarded to Team USA athletes during the Olympic and Paralympic games.

Clyde-Hirsch-Sowers RESPECT Act (H.R. 5523)
Sponsored by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL)
Protects small business owners from IRS abuse and helps ensure their assets are not wrongly seized under civil asset forfeiture policies. 

Social Security MAIL Act (H.R. 5320)
Sponsored by Reps. Sam Johnson (R-TX) and Jim Renacci (R-OH)
Protects Americans from identity theft by requiring the Social Security Administration to remove Social Security Numbers from mailed documents unless they are absolutely necessary.

Preventing Trafficking in Cultural Property Act (H.R. 2285)
Sponsored by Rep. Bill Keating (D-MA)
Attacks ISIS’s fundraising efforts by improving enforcement tools to effectively investigate, detain, and seize cultural property that is illegally imported into the United States.

Continuing Access to Hospitals Act of 2016 (H.R. 5613)
Sponsored by Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)
Protects access to high-quality health care in rural communities by providing needed regulatory relief to Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), and includes a provision from Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) requiring CMS to evaluate the economic impact of CAH regulations on rural communities.

Expanding Seniors Receiving Dialysis (ESRD) Choice Act of 2016 (H.R. 5659)
Sponsored by Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO)
Helps patients suffering from end stage renal disease (ESRD), or kidney disease, access the affordable, effective, integrated health care options that Medicare Advantage provides.

Sustaining Healthcare Integrity and Fair Treatment (SHIFT) Act (H.R. 5713)
Sponsored by Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)
Helps Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs) treat the sickest patients by providing targeted relief from some of Washington’s most onerous regulations, and ensures limited resources are spent on the people truly in need of care. 

Emergency Citrus Disease Response Act (H.R. 3957)
Sponsored by Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)
Helps citrus growers recover from a crippling crop disease by addressing the tax treatment of costs associated with replanting the crops that were harmed.

CLICK HERE for more information about each bill.