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Brady: President Trump puts Americans first with relief and reforms

December 28, 2020

WASHINGTON–Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX-08) released the following statement on the President’s signing of the coronavirus relief package along with the annual spending bill.

“After months of Speaker Pelosi stalling Covid relief ahead of the election, I applaud President Trump’s decision to sign this long-overdue relief. This bipartisan bill will succeed in protecting both lives and livelihoods, with more money for small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program, hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts for families, and reforms to our unemployment system.

“I am proud that he is also protecting patients by banning surprise medical bills which the Ways & Means Committee has led on, and making permanent the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act medical expense deduction that makes it easier to write off high medical bills.

“With his signature, President Trump is delivering on his promise to put Americans first.”