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Brady: President’s Budget Continues Pro-Growth Agenda, Rejects Washington Tax-and-Spend Policy

February 10, 2020

WASHINGTON—The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement on President Trump’s “Budget for America’s Future”:

The President’s pro-growth leadership has led to more workers, higher paychecks, and greater prosperity, and his budget announcement today lays a marker for continued growth. We are in a stronger position to face down the deficit and address spending, which is the real driver of our debt. If you think the deficit is bad now, wait until the economy shrinks and spending grows when Democrats achieve their vision of higher taxes, greater energy costs, and forcing people off their private insurance. If Democrats are actually concerned about the deficit, they should work with Republicans on realistic approaches to get Washington’s spending under control while strengthening our safety net.”