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Brady Remarks at House Republicans’ “Commitment to America” Press Conference

September 15, 2020

Read the House Republicans full fall agenda here.


WASHINGTON — The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered the following remarks at a press conference hosted by House Republicans on their fall agenda, Commitment to America: to restore our way of life, rebuild the greatest economy, and renew the American dream.

CLICK HERE to watch the press conference.

Remarks as prepared for delivery. 

“Who would have imagined? That in just a matter of weeks, COVID could turn America’s strongest economy in 90 years, into its worst economy in 90 years. 

“But Americans are battling back, defying expectations. Together, we’ve already gained back nearly half the jobs lost. But we can’t stop now. 

“Our Republican commitment is to rebuild the greatest economy in modern times. The economy we delivered — plus more.

“Our commitment is to get America working again, adding 10 million new good-paying jobs and rebuilding our Main Street businesses. 

“We’ll make the GOP tax cuts permanent, because the proven way to rebuild local economies is to let families and businesses keep more of what they work so hard to earn. We’ll guarantee moms can keep their $2,000 a child tax credit. We’ll make sure Opportunity Zones keep driving hope and investment into America’s poorest neighborhoods.

“And mark our words: Republicans will end America’s dependence on China for crucial medicines, medical supplies and technology.

“We’ll rebuild, and anchor, that manufacturing here in America – with American workers and American know-how.

“But we won’t stop there. We’ll build the United States into the number one nation on the planet for innovation – imagine an ‘innovation nation’ for research, technology, and advanced manufacturing to create a healthy, thriving future for our grandchildren right here at home.

“And when it comes to trade, we’ll go beyond ‘buy American.’ We’ll ‘sell American’ into every corner of the globe with rebuilt trade agreements that are free and fair: so American workers and farmers can compete and win anywhere in the world.

“What a contrast, isn’t it? While Democrats want to defund, dismantle and destroy America’s economy with more Washington control over your paycheck and business, this is our commitment to America: to restore, renew and rebuild the greatest economy in the world.”


 Want to read more on the fight against Coronavirus? Read our Coronavirus Bulletin here which contains our extensive FAQ about recent federal actions.

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