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Brady Separating Fact from Fiction: Tax Reform Worked; These Tax Hikes Will Land on American Families

April 30, 2021

Top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined FOX Business’s ‘The Evening Edit’ yesterday to fact check President Biden’s joint address.

Almost every point he made about tax increases and our tax reform was false,” said Rep. Brady.


  • Republican Tax Reform Worked: “The truth of the matter is, 2 out of every 4 dollars went to families and small businesses, not corporations. It drove jobs growth, paychecks higher than they’ve been in a decade, it brought back jobs, manufacturing, and research back into the United States. […] Tax reform worked, and these tax hikes will reverse all that progress.”
  • Tax Hike Burden Always Lands on American Families: We keep hearing that the rich and corporations will shoulder the burden here. “I counted up in the President’s speech six and a half million jobs that will be lost just from the policies in that speech. Corporations don’t pay those taxes, they collect them. It lands on their employees, their customers in higher prices, and families counting on those businesses for their retirement, and jobs moving overseas. At the end of the day, it always lands on American families.”
  • You Can’t Spend Your Way to Prosperity: “Right now, like many Americans, I’m just praying the Democrats don’t learn what’s bigger than a trillion. Government checks and higher taxes won’t do as much for working families as good paying jobs and rising pay checks. […] These policies are sabotaging our economic recovery.”

WATCH: Brady Fact Check: Job-Killing Tax Hikes Land on American Workers