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Brady Statement on Environmental Goods Agreement Negotiations

December 06, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement regarding recent news that participating countries would be unable to conclude the Environmental Goods Agreement negotiations this year. This decision came after efforts by participants to close the few remaining gaps during what had been planned as the concluding Ministerial over the weekend.

“This agreement is all about growing our economy and expanding access to affordable clean air and water technologies—many of which are manufactured right here in the U.S. We are one of the world’s largest exporters of environmental goods in this dynamic and rapidly growing market. While U.S. tariffs on these manufactured products already are low, other countries charge taxes on American exports of these goods that can increase their prices by as much as one third, making them uncompetitive. Once concluded, the Environmental Goods Agreement would eliminate all foreign taxes on approximately 250 to 300 products, such as gas and wind turbines, solar panels, and recycling equipment. Eliminating these tariffs would help level the playing field for U.S. manufacturers and workers to compete around the world. And when our trading partners play by the rules, America wins. While I’m disappointed that China was not prepared to conclude the agreement this weekend, I hope that a strong agreement can be reached very soon. 

“I encourage the new Administration to take these negotiations up and work to conclude a robust Environmental Goods Agreement that is a good deal for American manufacturers, consumers, and workers.”